Cone Distributing may be our official name, but at our core, we are truly Team Cone—a united group deeply committed to caring for each other, our families, and the communities where we live and work. What truly sets us apart is our collective passion for making a meaningful impact. For us, it’s more than business; it’s about creating a caring, supportive, and active community. The ability to give back with genuine care is one of the highlights of being part of our team. Whether it’s through supporting a colleague, helping a family in need, engaging in community service, or simply making a positive difference in someone’s day, every action is a reflection of our commitment to care. At Team Cone, we believe in making big changes together, reaching beyond just our work.

The Pillars of Our Identity

Deep within our organization beats a set of core values that truly capture the spirit of who we are and guide our actions and decisions every day. These values are the essence of our identity, the principles that drive us towards success, and the standards by which we measure our progress. They influence everything from the way our team interacts, to the respectful and thoughtful manner in which we engage with our customers, to our active involvement in community service, and even in our choice of new team members. Keep reading to explore these values that shape our culture and our commitment to excellence.
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Core Value 1: Team

We believe in the power of collaboration, working together towards shared objectives with unity and purpose. Our team is our strength, and together, we achieve what we set out to do, leveraging our diverse skills and perspectives to reach our common goals.

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Core Value 2: Communication

Effective, timely, and respectful communication is the cornerstone of our interactions. We strive to create an environment where open dialogue flourishes, ensuring clarity, understanding, and mutual respect in all our communications.

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Core Value 3: Excellence

We set high standards for ourselves, aiming for superior performance and outstanding results in everything we do. Excellence is not just expected; it's embedded in our culture, driving us to continually improve and surpass our achievements.

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Core Value 4: Honesty

Integrity is non-negotiable. We uphold complete truthfulness in our dealings with ourselves, our coworkers, and others. This commitment to honesty builds trust and fosters a transparent, ethical workplace.

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Core Value 5: Trust

Trust is the foundation of our relationships within the company and with our partners. We build trust through reliability, integrity, and the consistent demonstration of our commitment to each other and to our shared objectives.

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Core Value 6: Pride

We take pride in our work, our achievements, and our contributions to the company and each other. This sense of pride is reflected in the quality of our work, our professional conduct, and our dedication to excellence.

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Core Value 7: Loyalty

Our commitment to each other and to our company is unwavering. Loyalty means being faithful to our coworkers and to the organization, supporting one another through challenges and celebrating our successes together.

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Core Value 8: Creativity

Innovation is at the core of our progress. We encourage creativity and imaginative thinking, recognizing that breakthrough ideas and solutions often come from looking at challenges in new ways.

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Core Value 9: Community Contribution

We are committed to giving back to the communities where we live and work. Through caring and meaningful contributions, we strive to make a positive impact, supporting initiatives that enhance the well-being of our communities and those who reside within them.

Putting Our Core Values into Practice at Team Cone

Our core values are not just words; they show who we are together and guide what we do. They help us remember our responsibilities to ourselves, each other, and everyone around us. As we move forward, these values will continue to inspire and drive us towards a future of shared success and enduring impact. Learn how you can become a part of Team Cone and live out these values in your daily work.

Team-Driven Success

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